Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into the body at points that have been shown, over thousands of years to be effective in the treatment of specific health conditions. Treatment actually stimulates the body to heal itself.
Prescribing herbal formulas requires much training and knowledge. There are many variables when deciding which formula is best for a specific condition. Individual constitution, medications, symptoms, and underlying root cause must all be taken into consideration.
We use a pen device that intentionally creates superficial “micro-injuries” to the outermost layer of the skin to induce the skin’s natural healing process and trigger new collagen synthesis. Micro-needling has been shown to result in smoother, firmer, younger looking skin.
Cupping is an ancient modality used as a tool is Chinese Medicine. Glass or plastic cups are placed on the skin creating a suction. Cupping is great for releasing physical and emotional tension. It helps relieve anxiety, insomnia and some digestive disorders.
Massage therapy is one of the oldest healing methods, dating back over 3,000 years. Some of the benefits of massage therapy include: Increased circulation, stimulation of lymph system, relax muscles, reduce spasms and cramping, increase flexibility and decrease stress and anxiety.
Emotional, mental, social, spiritual and behavioral factors can directly affect your health. Counseling focuses on helping you create a sense of balance, peace and resiliency. We help you discover a way that would most benefit your whole-person well-being by finding your inner resources, your inner strength and cultivating a sense of meaning and purpose in life.
Naturopathic medicine focuses on achieving optimal health by getting to the root cause of health issues and naturally supporting your body’s own self-healing processes to overcome them.
Through detoxification protocols designed to cleanse the body, one is able to restore their health. This process consists of following protocols that support the kidneys and liver and alkalizing the body to pull toxins out of circulation.
Homeopathy is a gentle and effective form of medicine that works by providing you with a unique and individualized low dose remedy. It works to stimulate your body’s own innate ability to heal itself and has no side effects or interactions with medications or supplements.